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Who Gets Plantar Warts?

Summer in Texas means bare feet, swimming pools, and fun by the shore. But along with sandals and exposed tootsies comes an increased risk of developing plantar warts.  

Unsightly plantar warts can not only make you self-conscious about your feet, but they can cause pain and discomfort as well. Wondering if you’re at risk of getting highly contagious plantar warts?

The team of board-certified podiatrists at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers explains what causes plantar warts and who gets them in this informative post. We also cover how to treat them and keep them from returning. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about plantar warts.  

What causes plantar warts? 

A virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause warts to develop on your skin. If you develop a wart on the sole of your foot, you have a plantar wart. Plantar warts come in different forms, appearing as a single bump or in clusters. 

Some of the signs you have a plantar wart include:

Sometimes plantar warts can grow inward into the deeper layers of your skin rather than out from the surface. This happens due to the pressure your weight places on the bottoms of your feet. 

Who gets plantar warts? 

The virus that causes warts, HPV, is highly contagious. Anyone who comes in contact with HPV may develop plantar warts; however, some people are more susceptible than others. As with all viruses, some people react more strongly to HPV and develop warts more easily, including:

In addition, if you frequent warm, damp places, like locker rooms and indoor swimming pools, you have a higher chance of contracting the virus and getting a plantar wart — especially if you don’t wear foot coverings. People with small cuts and tears on their feet also have an increased risk of getting plantar warts because the openings allow the virus easy entry into your body.  

How can I get rid of plantar warts?

The best way to get rid of frustrating and contagious plantar warts is by scheduling an appointment with a foot specialist. It’s possible to wait and let the wart resolve on its own; however, it can take years for the virus that causes plantar warts to run its course. You can also try over-the-counter (OTC) medications and remedies, which take time and deduction to work effectively.

Because warts are so contagious, the best way to eradicate these unwanted visitors is by visiting a podiatrist. Your Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Center provider examines your wart and starts effective treatment as soon as possible to help prevent the wart from spreading to other areas of your body. Possible treatment methods include:

If your wart bleeds, is painful, or starts to look different, interferes with your ability to move around or carry out your regular activities, or if you can’t tell whether the growth is a wart, schedule an appointment immediately. You should also seek treatment from a doctor if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes rather than use OTC treatments as they can harm your skin. 

To keep plantar warts from returning, keep in mind that they’re highly contagious. The virus that causes these unsightly bumps can spread through direct and indirect contact. Avoid sharing shoes, using the same towels, or stepping on shared bathroom surfaces without shoes. 

Learn more by contacting the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers office nearest you or request an appointment and get more information about diagnosing and treating plantar warts.

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