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Warning Signs of Tendonitis

Are you struggling with a sore ankle or foot? Most active people are used to a few aches and pains, but athletes and weekend warriors are more likely to develop tendonitis

This condition involves the irritation or inflammation of a tendon, the thick cords of tissue that connect your muscles to your bone. Tendonitis is a common injury; in fact, approximately half of all school sports injuries are tendonitis, though people of all ages experience the injury.   

One of the most troublesome things about tendonitis is that its symptoms can be difficult to recognize. This is because they can be very similar to several other conditions that affect the same areas of your body, like osteoarthritis and bursitis. 

Many people wonder how you can tell if your symptoms are related to tendonitis or something else?  

At Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers, our experienced team of providers can diagnose and treat your tendonitis. Because early treatment gives you the best chances of a fast and complete recovery, we’ve put together this guide to help our patients in Arlington and Mansfield, Texas, recognize the warning signs of tendonitis. 

Read on to learn more!

What is tendonitis?

Your bones and muscles are connected by thick, fibrous bands of tissue and collagen called tendons. Tendons function like rubber bands between these body parts and help your body move smoothly and stay active. 

But if you injure one of these bands due to an accident, like a car collision, or from repetitive motion, like tennis, running, or swimming, the tendon becomes inflamed or irritated, causing tendonitis.  

Why do people get tendonitis?

No one is immune from developing tendonitis. However, some risk factors increase your chances of developing the condition. 

Age is one important risk factor because as you get older, the flexibility of your soft tissues and tendons decreases. This makes you more susceptible to injuries like tendonitis. 

Other risk factors for developing tendonitis include:

While you can develop tendonitis wherever a tendon connects your bone and muscle, certain body parts are more likely to be affected by the condition: your elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, thumb, and Achilles tendon.     

What are the warning signs of tendonitis?

Many people have a hard time knowing if the aches and pains they’re experiencing are due to tendonitis. Because the first warning sign is usually a dull ache in or around the affected joint, people often think the cause is another problem, like osteoarthritis.  

Tendonitis pain can vary in the way it develops. Some people have a gradually building pain, while others experience a sudden onset. This is due to the differing underlying causes of the inflammation. 

Some of the most common warning signs of tendonitis include:

In some severe cases, tendonitis can lead to a rupture of the tendon. If you’re experiencing a ruptured tendon, you’ll have difficulty moving the affected joint. 

How is tendonitis treated?

Our goal at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers is to get you recovered quickly and back to your normal activities as soon as possible — all while making sure your injury heals correctly and completely.

The exact treatments and therapies your provider recommends depends on the severity of your condition. The first line of tendonitis treatment involves using conservative therapies, such as rest, heat and ice therapy, immobilization, splints, and braces, orthotics, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy. 

If the inflammation from your tendonitis causes a rupture, your provider still uses conservative treatments first. However, in some severe cases, surgical repair may be required. 

The team at Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers also offers two effective treatments that take advantage of the latest in medical technology: stem cell injections and extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT).

Stem cell injections encourage the healing of your damaged tissues by triggering the production of new tendon tissues. Extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT) is a noninvasive modality that sends pressure waves to the inflamed tendon tissues to stimulate cell metabolism, improve blood circulation, and help you heal faster. 

Are you wondering if your symptoms point to tendonitis? Contact the team at the Arlington/Mansfield Foot & Ankle Centers office nearest you to find out or request an appointment online now!

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